March 2023: Oral presentation of the paper A Statistical Learning View of Simple Kriging at the MIND team Seminar, Inria, Palaiseau.
July 2022: Poster presentation of the paper A Statistical Learning View of Simple Kriging at the French conference on Machine Learning (CAp 2022), Vannes.
August 2022: Oral presentation of the paper A Statistical Learning View of Simple Kriging at the International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2022), Bologna.
June 2022: Organisation of the Chaire DSAIDIS day, with Binh Nguyen (Post-Doc at
Télécom Paris) and Florence d’Alché-Buc (Chair Holder, Télécom Paris).
September 2021: PhD research project presentation: "Statistical Learning for Spatial Data: Theory and Practice", Journées des Géostatistiques, Mines ParisTech, Fontainebleau.
September 2020: Oral presentation of the paper A stochastic Gauss–Newton algorithm for regularized semi-discrete optimal transport, Automnales 2020, Mines ParisTech, Fontainebleau.